
And Now, a 17-oz. San Diego Royal Antelope

Birth Control Works2/12/2011 9:34:21 am PST

re: #350

There’s another benefit to giving employees greater autonomy - that is, they are most familiar with the tasks and processes, and can come up with ways to shorten the process or do the task in a more productive way. But a manager will never know of these improvements if he’s imposing his will, rather than listening to employees.

The best manager does not sit at a desk. The best manager is up and around, moving among employees, LISTENING to what’s going on, asking about problems, whether it’s work production problems, or personality conflicts, and nipping these problems in the bud before they explode.

Very few. This comes naturally to some people. But not to most people; and that’s where THEIR managers (and their HR office) needs to step in and educate.

I agree, but I’ve noticed a small percentage will read magazines or sit and stair at the wall if not directed thru every task. It gets really old really fast if you are the person with the task of directing them.