
Updates on Bill O'Reilly's "War Zones" Scandal

weststpaulbear2/21/2015 9:51:40 am PST

It’s such a disconnect listening to people talk about snow this year. I finally broke down and bought a snowblower when it was on sale back on Veteran’s Day. Three of the last four winters before this one had been pretty rough - snowy and unending. We’ve had our share of cold in MN this year, but I have not used the snowblower ONCE so far this season. The Twin Cities hasn’t had more than 3” of easy-to-shovel fluffy snow at a time (although the last one had a layer of ice on the bottom that made it hard to scrape off). I know we still have two more months until we’re in the clear here, but it’s been a weird winter everywhere. The new normal isn’t normal…