
Podcast o' the Day: The Bob & Chez Show, 1/26/16

A Cranky One1/27/2016 5:51:18 pm PST

So glancing through my email and noticed that one of my favorite artists, Peter Gabriel, is going to be in concert with Sting. Don’t go to many concerts anymore, but two of the best concerts I ever attended were Peter Gabriel with Genesis and as a solo artist. So glanced at the ticket prices just for giggles. Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch.

Mentioned it to Mrs Cranky, who informed me that because she knows I like Peter Gabriel, she joined his fan club a while ago. And members of the fan club were able to purchase tickets cheaper and in advance. So she purchased tickets as a birthday/anniversary present. Decent seats too!

Sometimes she makes it impossible for me to be cranky. ;)