
Overnight Open Thread

TheMatrix317/12/2009 3:00:14 am PDT

re: #322 sngnsgt

From Drudge:
Boxer faces ‘challenge of a lifetime’ on climate change bill

This makes me sick. Just my 2 about about global warming, fire away if you must: “Global warming” is something thunk up by dope smoking, hippie moonbats, as an excuse to raise Americans taxes. Anyone that buys into global warming BS needs to have their heads examined. I’m so sick of hearing about it, any time anyone tries to say anything to me about it, I tell them to go blow it out their a$$ at someone else. IF (big if) global warming exists in any way, shape, or form, anything man tries to do about it isn’t going to make any difference, not that it would anyway.

Shut the FUCK up, Barbara. I wanna BOX you up and ship you the eff out of my state.