
Monday Afternoon Open

beermeister1/19/2009 3:14:16 pm PST

Liberalism is a disease.

Democratic energy plan = no drilling, no oil, no shale, no coal, no hydro, no nukes, no wind power (at least not in Kennedy’s backyard), no America.

More global warming garbage.

I think we may be entering a cooling phase.

Commie judge in Illinois didn’t get the DC v. Heller message.

Stevens and Ginsberg could be gone with Obama. The only positive I see is he can’t replace them with more liberal justices. We all knew Ginsberg was far left. Stevens was an imposter that has been drinking the Kool-Aid and really went off the deep end, but selected by the Rino Ford.

Anyone drinking today? I’m having some bourbon; a real American drink.

Happy MLK day.