
Palin Reacts to Akin Flap With Bizarre Disconnected Rant

GunstarGreen8/22/2012 8:18:50 am PDT

re: #53 Dark_Falcon

I don’t know what to believe on that matter.

I go with believing the thing that doesn’t cause massive legal complications if people treat it appropriately. Personhood at conception opens the door for all kinds of common occurrences to suddenly become illegal, or at least legally muddy. Most forms of contraception are now murder. Many situations of miscarriage are now manslaughter. Many activities that a pregnant woman might engage in are now reckless endangerment.

Is this slippery slope? Yes, to a degree. But if the just-after-conception zygote is now legally defined as a person, and if we afford to it all of the legal protections that every other person is given, then all of these things are now legal realities. The only way they are not is to treat this person as a person in some cases, and not a person in other cases, which is legally ridiculous.