
Rand Paul Compares US to the Fall of the Roman Empire

webevintage7/02/2010 12:36:01 pm PDT

re: #330 allegro

A WalMart is built that quickly and efficiently puts the mom and pop family businesses out of business. All those wonderful WalMart jobs that are promised are mostly.minimum wage sans benefits.

I agree they suck.
And I agree that they put people out of business by offering better prices AND a larger selection and then once there is no competition the larger selection goes away.

(I tried to get Yukon Gold potatoes yesterday, they used to be there, no longer…ugh don’t get me started about how much I hate shopping at WalMart.)

I agree that the pay, especially for the base is low (though not min wage).

BUT everyone gets benefits.
My son works 15-20 hours and if we did not have him on our insurance he could get pretty decent coverage for $15 a paycheck.
He gets part of the quarterly bonus too.
He gets a a few vacation days too.