
The Best Person Sean Hannity Can Find to Comment on Rep. Weiner: Mark Foley

SanFranciscoZionist6/09/2011 11:06:07 pm PDT

re: #333 HappyWarrior

It all seemed so very fake to me. I was kind of amused by the attempt to turn hockey mothers in to this blue collar thing. At least here in Northern Va, hockey is by far the most expensive team sport to play. But yeah the hunting thing seemed just so over the top to me and this coming from someone whose older male relatives are facsimilies of the dudes from the Deer Hunter.

I was teaching American Literature to high school juniors during the campaign, and I used some of the adoring articles about Palin as supplemental material when we talked about Natty Bumppo.

Just about every politician out there tries to turn up his or her folksy meter a bit. What was interesting about Palin was that it was over the top, and a number of otherwise sane people tried hard to sell it.