
Palin Reacts to Akin Flap With Bizarre Disconnected Rant

Lidane8/22/2012 8:20:20 am PDT

This will be fun:

GOP Approves ‘Most Conservative Platform In Modern History’

No abortions for any reason at all, even rape or incest? Check.

Mandatory ultrasounds? Check.

Arizona-style immigration laws on the federal level? Yep.

Audit the Fed? You betcha.

No women in combat, ever and no “social experimentation” with the military? Absolutely.

Oh and there’s also this charming bit of economic illiteracy:

The platform calls for a Constitutional amendment requiring a super-majority to approve any tax increase, “with exceptions for only war and national emergencies.” It would also deliberately hobble future Congresses through a cap limiting all government spending to historical average percentage of GDP — “so that future Congresses cannot balance the budget by raising taxes.”

And that’s just a small sample. The full platform will no doubt be a barrel of laughs.