
Guantanamo Judge Denies Obama's Request

LGoPs1/30/2009 4:48:47 pm PST

re: #306 JCM

We don’t let kids starve, agreed. All options should be exhausted, family, friends, faith or cultural community. Before the taxpayers are saddled with the care and feeding of children.

The problem it is too easy, father a kid, walk away. There are no consequences.
Get pregnant, no problem we’ll all foot the bill for 18 years and 9 months.

Before we pay for all these kids we as a society need to hold the parents accountable, and make them act like parents. Not just hand out goodies. If they can’t or won’t be responsible there should be a downside, not a check.

I figure if I’m forced to pay to support someone else’s kids and the father is a deadbeat then I should have conjugal rights………
/only half kidding