
Video: Attack of the Boxer Blimp

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/13/2010 5:45:12 pm PST

re: #348 freetoken

Until there is a definite, identifiable plank in the GOP Platform I think it is a bit premature to label the organization as racist.

Yes, we are seeing the fruits born of the vine that Nixon planted (the Southern Strategy), that Reagan watered (with equating the Federal government with anti-American intentions), and that Limbaugh fertilizes day in and day out.

However, there are still parts of the GOP establishment that refuses to go down the Lew Rockwell path that Paulians and the Dixiecrats love.

And how much of the GOP these days are Pailians and former Dixiecrats? How big of GOP players were Nixon, Reagan and Limbaugh?

If you were only talking about a minority of the GOP that did not have real influence you would have a point. However, you are not, and we both know it.