
Guardian's Story Changes Again: Now They Admit David Miranda Did Have a Lawyer

Justanotherhuman8/22/2013 11:25:30 am PDT

David Miranda: High Court restricts inspection of data

David Miranda’s lawyer: “We consider this to be a partial victory”

Material seized from a Brazilian man held at Heathrow airport under anti-terror laws can only be examined for national security purposes, judges say.

And not just any lawyer, which leads me to believe these were lined up in advance of Miranda’s trip.

“Bindmans is a highly successful law firm offering a wide range of expert legal services. We have a reputation for excellence and for being at the cutting edge of legal developments - particularly in relation to issues around human rights, discrimination and public authorities’ powers. Many of our lawyers are nationally recognised as leading experts in their fields.” (my emphasis)

So, it can be examined for national security purposes. Which is the point, so how is that a “partial victory”?