
Friday Night Jam: Blind Pilot: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/28/2016 10:41:16 pm PDT

re: #30 Anymouse

The Constitution doesn’t even envision political parties. The Senate was designed to give the states a lot of veto power, its original design as an anti-democratic mechanism. But that was the 18th century, and the people of that time didn’t have any experience of democracy outside their own little groups (e.g., those churches which elected leaders, or towns which elected leaders.)

Since they lived in a time of kingdoms and empires, it was not unreasonable of them to be highly suspicious of too much centralized power.

But they could never have envisioned the 21st century. One of our central problems is that too many Americans want 18th century solutions to 21st century problems.