
Photo of the Morning: Donald Trump Peeking at Melania's Ballot

BlueGrl2111/08/2016 10:16:29 am PST

I did my time with the standard abusive, controlling people. One of whom is a professionally diagnosed subclinical psychopath….my father. So, let’s just say I have some experience with this genre of humanity.

From the very beginning of this whole Trump Slog Into Hell, my skin has been CRAWLING with every single action and phrase and lie and con. I….know…these…patterns. My spidey-senses have been screaming and I reached the point where I could not hear his voice. Not because I’m afraid of him…I have no fear of the Walking Orange Ego Compensation. But I had a hell of a lot of fear that people were so clueless, so stupid, that they could make this thing president.

I have said this 100 times but i will NEVER forgive or forget the Republicans and other people who in any way supported Trump. Ever. And I am incredibly relieved that after today I will never have to fear him taking over this whole damn COUNTRY.

And I will enjoy tremendously every bit of his impotent bluster and flailing when he loses. You have no idea, my people.