
Transcripts of Trump's Calls With Foreign Leaders Leaked, and Wow, Are They Ever Bizarre

Yeah Sure WhatEVs8/03/2017 11:37:20 am PDT

re: #34 ObserverArt

I was just wondering if it was the guys on the other side of the phone that released the transcripts.

Didn’t we hear that Trump wasn’t keeping good records of calls?

So, what if other world leaders have communicated with each other and with maybe some important U.S. Politicians in a covert way to say they will help save the U.S. from this Orange Disaster and expose him at every turn.

One thing for sure…I think this is developing rather quickly and it sure is putting pressure on Congress.

If it was one country, I would say possibly (but the other sides are kinda professionals at international diplomacy, but who knows). That it is from two countries has to be internal.

My question is…who is doing it and why? What is their endgame?