
Seth Meyers on Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's Creepy Feud With NPR's Mary Louise Kelly

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/28/2020 7:59:37 pm PST

Rick Wiles: God Has Sent the Coronavirus to “Purge a Lot of Sin Off This Planet” (goes to The Friendly Atheist, Hemant Mehta, a religious counterapologist).

Right-wing anti-Semite Rick Wiles, who retains media credentials from the White House, would like you to know that the coronavirus was sent by God to purge the world of sin.

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Wiles thinks Jesus confers immunity to disease. As if the virus works by seeking out atheists or lapsed Christians specifically.

Or maybe we shouldn’t be taking medical advice from a man who said the blood of aborted fetuses was in our drinking water.


I get all my water treatment supplies from Planned Parenthood, usually by the barrel. /s