
Wednesday Night Music: Brecker Brothers, 'Some Skunk Funk' on Overdrive

Cato the Elder7/29/2009 5:51:12 pm PDT

In the News of the Weird:

There’s a big dispute going on between psychology professionals and Wikipedia. Seems someone went and posted all ten Rorschach ink blots from the famous test on Wiki. The psychobabblers are up in arms because their precious “test” could be “compromised” by people seeing the bloody blots.

The more I read, the more convinced I am that the ink-blot nonsense is a prime example of pseudo-science sanctified by tradition and professional obfuscation (which we should all eschew, as we know).

If I’m ever required to tell someone what I see in those splotches, it’ll go something like this:

Psychologist: “Image number one. What do you see?”

Cato: “An inkblot.”

P: “Very well. Number two?”

C: “Another inkblot.”

P: (speaking into Dictaphone): “Patient hopelessly intransigent. Danger to psychology. Recommend immediate institutionalization. Thorazine. Depakote. Shock treatment.”

C: “Can I try again, please?”