
U.S. purposefully kills journalists, U.K. approves; Anonymous update; anarchist-friendly music

Charles Johnson12/13/2010 8:26:50 pm PST

re: #32 Barrett Brown

See, I think the intents are the same, largely because they are the same.

The intent may be the same, but one of these people actually committed horrible murders in the real world. Samir Kuntar carried out his murders, and then he was feted on Al Jazeera — specifically FOR those murders. Not in spite of them, because of them. Do you really not see a difference here?

I’m also using him as an example out of any number of Americans who are actually more closely affiliated with American institutions than he is to al-Jazeera and who also committed murder, such as the troops in Afghanistan who hunted and killed several Afghan civilians and then hassled one of their command officers when he freaked out about it. Obviously there are any number of other examples I could pull out. And I know that me pulling them out at all is considered offensive by some people. But America is good enough to be criticized harshly when certain Americans dishonor it by their conduct.

Those troops are currently under arrest and are probably going to spend a long long time in a military prison.