
Super Tuesday Open

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)3/06/2012 3:42:42 pm PST

re: #29 The Ghost of a Flea

So far as I know, no, they don’t make a distinction on sapience/sentience of animals in what they protest. But then again I don’t think weighed consideration is part of their milieu. The “companion animal” versus “pet” distinction is really flimsy, and largely euphemism.

Yep. It’s alright when they do it, bascially.

I personally don’t like the ideas of the big whales in captivity—there’s studies of the standing stress levels and a bunch of other stuff that bother me. But the whole “slavery” thing gets my back up.

I don’t like it either.

But yeah, why is the mass death of mosquitoes not a problem, but the mass death of ducks are?