
Brand New From Seth Meyers: Rod Rosenstein Chaos; Trump Attacks Kavanaugh's Accuser

Jay C9/25/2018 8:33:01 am PDT

re: #345 HappyWarrior

He’s been saying everyone’s laughing at us for years and then he gets himself laughed at. Yeah Baby Trumpy isn’t going to take that well.

I disagree: Trump is probably more likely to use the negative UN reaction to his bullshit as “proof” that he - HE ALONE - is “standing up for America” and “hanging tough” and putting those weenie globalist foreigners “in their place”. Of course, he’ll be spouting this BS line at one of his Nuremburg campaign rallies to wild cheering from the MAGA crown (paid or volunteer), but the basic principle is still the same: Trump and his enablers eagerly embrace the scorn of foreigners: it assures the unthinking jingoistic base that “he must be doing something right”.