
Overnight Open Thread

_RememberTonyC3/19/2010 7:34:44 am PDT

This is number 9 in my series of “Dear Mr President” posts. It is a nonpartisan appeal to common sense and patience.

Dear Mr President … we are in extremely tough economic times that you admittedly inherited. However, it is time to move past that and try and see the world through a different “filter.” In really hard times like this, there is a tendency to want to fix things that might eventually self heal. And in doing so, the solutions we seek might be worse than the current problems. Making long term decisions in times of economic duress, coupled with political considerations is a recipe for a short term fix but a long term disaster. Slow down just a bit. The economy will recover if we don’t do things to harm job creation. Draconian health care reform in a time of economic struggle is one of those things. Let’s take some time on health care and do better for our future generations and make sure their tax burden does not relegate them to a much poorer standard of living.