
Malkin Links to 'Buzzworthy' Anti-Israel Rant at White Nationalist Website

Effy12/22/2009 7:53:28 am PST

Thank you Bob Levin, Oslogin, and marjoriemoon, for your replies. It is nice to find a place where people will actually engage in civilized and thoughtful conversation. Though oslogin’s post in a way raises more questions than it answers, since the question becomes why does the press cover the story in such a one sided way. One would think that the average intelligent journalist could easily tell the difference between an open democratic and a closed authoritarian regime, between a society that only wants to live in piece in a small little piece of land that can’t get much smaller and one that promotes hate and murder. Can they not see the Arabs in Kenesset, but not see the that all the Jews had to flee their homes in Arab lands?Except that the Jews were taken in to Israel, while the Arabs with their vast lands left the Palestinians in camps in order to push world opinion against Israel.