
Video: Attack of the Boxer Blimp

brookly red3/13/2010 5:46:50 pm PST

re: #351 LudwigVanQuixote

Well would you care to even casually review the coverage of GOP racism on this very blog?

Just give that a try.

If it were an isolated gaff here r there or the rantings of one or two loons you might have a point. But it is not that way at all and I frankly call the hundreds of posts on this blog of major republican players saying ghastly racist things all the way down to the angry dog videos on youtube as a small part of the available evidence.

Your willful blindness is astonishing.

In the real world, the facts prevail.

but that is your opinion, you said it was a fact… now forget about my willful blindness all you have is hearsay, what do you got that will stand up in court?