
ACORN CEO's Press Release

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/16/2009 3:17:34 pm PDT

I suppose the thing to be said about the GOP is that they have now become what I was always taught by my old school elders they were.

To my grandparents, the GOP meant either snide callous country-club snobs in bed with big corporations and big oil, or it meant racist, isolationist, hicks. It meant that both could care less about the poor and that both could care less about anything other than their own greed. It meant that they hated you if you weren’t white or Christian. They were the ones who opposed fighting Hitler. They were the ones who absorbed the Dixiecrats and opposed de-segregation. They were the ones who never saw an oil sheik they couldn’t love. They were the ones who wanted to ram their view of Jesus down our throats. They were the gun nuts and the people who thought wars were good things - if pointed at not white people.

This is the image I was given the GOP as a boy. The Dems were never seen as great, but rather a better choice by default.

Now this is not a wholly fair image of the GOP. I remember arguing the good points of Reagan to my father. However, it is also not a completely unfair assessment either.

However, today…

Think of the tea party rhetoric. Think about that image of the GOP I painted above. Do not think that minorities don’t believe it to be true. Do not kid yourself that the GOP isn’t making it true, and do not kid yourself that it isn’t noticed.