
Hoffman Accuses Dems of 'Stealing the Election'

Bagua11/03/2009 5:21:35 pm PST

re: #356 JohninLondon

Point 1 from my earlier post - ACORN was established specifically to foment social discord. Check out how and why it was founded.

I don’t need to go on a witch hunt and I don’t go on wild goose chases, that’s your department. Prove your allegations.

Point 2. Financially fraudulent at its core. Big chunk of money taken by one of the brothers, covered up, on-going attempts to smother any whistleblowers eg on how it moves money around multiple entities like a shell game. The Salvation Army is a unitary organisation. ACORN is a hydra of financial entities, deliberately structured that way, shuffling funds around so fast you can’t see them move. Including offshore. Why the hell should it need offshore stuff ?

If they are guilty of fraud then the relevant prosecutors will hold them responsible. The rest is speculation and innuendo.

Point 3 - endless voter-registration fraud. Please don’t make out ACORN is not a serial offender. Any other organisation that had such a record would have tightened up its procedures long since, instituted effective auditing.

This has been a problem with some of their chapters and IIRC there have been several prosecutions as a result. Part of the problem is it is their employees who commit this fraud for money on an individual basis. Check out how many employees of Walmart are prosecuted for larceny and fraud, does that make Walmart a criminal enterprise?

Point 4 – […] Looks like guilt to me […]

Be succinct, that whole paragraph expands on the five words I excerpted.

OK, so it all looks guilty to you therefore it must be, “let’s throw them all in jail, who needs actual charges and a trial when we are going on our hunches, after all, they’re Blacks right, they must be guilty.” That seems to sum up your view.

Point 5 - the Republican Party was too damn dumb to properly finger it. It took a couple of kids to show the nature of ACORN - in multiple cities. In each case, ACORN was prostituting its alleged cause - and looking for contributions.

“Too damn dumb”, “prostituting”, I see your key words but they mean little. Obviously the Republicans lost the last election, no need to be so bitter.

Like I said - a disgrace to American democracy, ACORN stinks to high heaven.

Right, like you said. You proved nothing and alleged much.
I’m no fan of Acorn myself, but I see them for what they are. You on the other hand have a vivid imagination and a great deal of bias and no doubt bigotry.