
Creationist Dentist Gets the Boot

iceweasel3/03/2010 8:32:10 pm PST

re: #357 Floral Giraffe

I’m getting a “broken glass in the sinuses” kinda cold.
SERIOUS yard work at the house, they removed 5 truckfulls of dirt.
It’s a small yard.
Must get done, but it’s messy!
How’re you & the Jimmah?

Oh no! Have you tried a neti pot? Both ggt and (iirc) reine recommend them; good for sinuses, allergies, nasal congestion, and might help with the cold too. Amazon has a starter kit; I bought one for Jimmah recently.

We’re good! Some progress on the visa front; hope he can be here soon to wait here with me for it. Is your yard work for your gardening? Good luck!