
Will Obama Prosecute CIA Officials or Won't He?

looking closely4/22/2009 12:20:08 pm PDT

re: #341 Land Shark

He’s already passed the buck to Holder, and from what I know about him I think there’s a real possibility he’ll go ahead with it. Like I said, I hope you’re right.

From what I know of him, he won’t.

He’s a political player. He’s not going to want to push a case he can’t win, and he knows that not only can he not win this one, but pushing it will hurt Pelosi and all the other Democrats who stood by and approved the very same techniques they now decry.

He’ll fold.

Don’t forget, that if he pushes the prosecution of former administration legal-advisors, then he’s creating a precedent that will put his OWN neck on the line for the next administration.

This is a can of worms Obama better think long and hard before opening.