
Sarah Palin Defends the Right to Use the N Word

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus8/18/2010 8:16:24 pm PDT

Not sure anyone mentioned this yet today, but remember that Farah turned on sweet lil’ old Coulter?

Well, now he’s done it again - to Glenn Beck!

Glenn Beck – material boy

Beck doesn’t care about one of the most blatant and despicable examples of judicial tyranny in the history of our country. He doesn’t care about the institution of marriage and its 5,000-year history. He doesn’t care that the Bible says God created marriage way back in Genesis and that Jesus affirmed that. He doesn’t care that the family is the building block of a society and that smarter men have explained how you simply can’t have freedom and self-governance without it. He also doesn’t seem to care about what might become of children adopted into such unions.

That, my friends, is the perfect illustration of what’s wrong with the materialist worldview – whether it is held by a raving Marxist or a conservative entertainer.

These die hard ideologues, like their kin everywhere, can’t tolerate even 1% dissent in their ranks.