
Donald Trump on Megyn Kelly: "There Was Blood Coming Out of Her... Wherever"

Blind Frog Belly White8/08/2015 8:19:17 am PDT

re: #295 Amory Blaine

I don’t get why the unwashed masses watches that Trump show. Taking glee or happiness in others perceived shortcomings (he deserved to get fired,etc.) is exactly how corporate America shows it’s contempt for workers. Also, I hated that fucking Boss show where they give out “goodies”. Wow your underpaid worker is struggling, so go on TV and throw them a pittance to show what a “nice” guy you are. Lick those boots lackeys. I say fuck right off.

Remember that these are the unwashed masses who cheer when Scott Walker attacks the Teachers’ union, who post and repost the picture of a machine to replace workers at MacDonalds, who want to cut SNAP because the working poor should get better jobs.

They don’t see themselves as the poor schlubs having to lick boots to gain any favors. They identify with the guy having his boots licked - even though the vast majority of them are workers, not managers. That’s some crazy pathology at work to sympathize with your oppressor, rather than your fellow oppressed.