
Overnight Open Thread

Killgore Trout6/09/2009 7:06:54 am PDT

Nancy is the only one showing class….
Supreme Court Nominee fractures ankle in NY airport

Republicans did not miss the opportunity to weigh in on Sotomayor’s demise. Newt Gingrich accused Sotomayor of faking the injury to gain empathy from Republican voters, according to the Huffington Post news website. “The fake-ankle-cast thing is the oldest trick in the book,” Gingrich said. “She’s only wearing that fake cast to help her rack up votes,” the former Republican House Speaker said.

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh did not miss his chance to comment on Sotomayor’s spill. “I hope [Sotomayor] can find a wise Latina doctor to set that ankle as opposed to an average white doctor,” Limbaugh joked on his program.

The day was not with some positive feedback for the nominee. Former First Lady Laura Bush, appearing on ABC’s Good Morning America, declared Sotomayor a good pick. “I think she sounds like a very interesting and good nominee,” Mrs. Bush said this morning.