
Friday Afternoon Playlist

MJ6/12/2009 4:53:06 pm PDT

Good piece by Marty Peretz in The New Republic on Obama in Cairo:

Narrative Dissonance

What the Cairo speech got wrong.

…There are two basic narratives to the nearly century-old Jewish and Arabs-of-Palestine dispute. The sheer truthfulness of these narratives is so unbalanced that Obama or his panel of oddly partisan experts must have felt obliged to tamper with real history. What is most brazen or, at best, bizarre in Obama’s historical recitation is the stark omission of the whole Zionist enterprise. Instead, he chose to understand the Jewish presence in Palestine as a sort of restitution for the Holocaust. For the president, the balancing of claims—and they must always be balanced; he does not tolerate asymmetries, which would make his divine even-handedness impossible—requires distortion of what actually happened. First off was to diminish the determination of the Jewish people through the ages, and especially since the age of nationalism in the mid-nineteenth century, to reclaim their homeland, to bring its very earth out of desolation and restore its dispersed sons and daughters to Zion—all this not as a reparation, but as a right. By the time World War II—before the Holocaust, that is—began, there were already more than 500,000 Jews in Palestine. Most of them had arrived as their palpable reply to the 1917 Balfour Declaration, to the approval by the League of Nations of a British mandate for a Jewish homeland in Palestine in 1922, to the recommendations of the Peel Commission for a two-state settlement. None of this enters the president’s text, not even a hint of it, perhaps because it might muddle the clarity of the equal-claim argument….