
Founder of Islamist TV Channel Arrested in New York for Beheading Wife

ironbill2/13/2009 11:58:14 am PST

I see this thread is getting a little tense. There’s some gallows humor thrown around and I can see some people are getting pissed, so I accept this chance to philosophize.

This episode demonstrates a clear distinction between ideologies.

The most obvious is the Western/Islamic divide. A great many apologists for Islam will now proceed to argue that this is an aberration; has no connection to Islam. The opposite is the truth. Islamic/Arab culture views a beheading as the ultimate act of human advantage over one’s enemy, and supremacy over the domain. By removing the head, the body has been despoiled, and victory achieved. The Koran is replete with references to the act. As well, it is a common practice of capitol punishment in the Arab world. So, to any armchair social scientist who hopes to proffer this as an isolated instance and any criticism as a racist attempt at attacking pluralistic values: Fuck You.

This thus leads to the other ideological divide: The Leftist/multiculturalist vs. the Western/humanist. Liberals love to talk about how they love humanity, but their tongues will be tied when it comes to condemning this act. Why? Because the value of this woman’s life was superseded by the value of the murderer’s culture. This is why they opposed the deposing of Saddam Hussein. Liberals cannot distinguish between tyranny and the individual human. In fact, they embrace tyranny should it be wrapped in the correct phrases.

A beautiful, valuable, real human being was murdered in an indescribable manner because of a savage ideology.

Modern Western media, academia, and governments refuse to recognize this reality.