
Overnight Open Thread

littleoldlady4/05/2009 2:11:21 am PDT

So, I was thinking…

/ouch! ;-)

Much as I like the symbolic idea of the Tea Parties I don’t think they will do much good. The MSM won’t publish actual numbers of the crowds, if they cover the events at all. And April 15th is a work day. Not a lot of people can afford (or risk!) to take the day off.

Am I right so far?

Back when CAIR was shutting down sites and/or people, eliciting apologies left and right from anyone who “insulted” Islam, they were doing it with emails from just a few hundred people off their mailing lists. I kept saying that we could do the same thing to counteract, but NATURALLY nobody listened to me…

/stay tuned; Part II (with the actual idea) coming up…