
There Goes the Neighborhood

HoosierHoops8/28/2009 4:05:40 pm PDT

re: #333 CyanSnowHawk

A flounce is a post where a lizard declares that LGF isn’t fun anymore and the remaining lizards won’t have them to kick around any longer.

It’s so much more complex…I never understood a Flounce from here…There are only 2 lizards here that left with grace to not flounce…
Look the first time I ever Blogged years ago was at Firedoglake…When I realized they were super liberal and I was a conservative blogging..Did I trash Jane when I left..Hell fricking no…I lost my blogging cherry to Jane and starting a long journey in Blog land..I finally made it here..I consider this blog home…If it isn’t for you..Just move on to another site…Nobody cares about your Flounce..For God’s sake show a little class and move on…
I’m tired of all the stories about Lizards that can’t show a little dignity when they leave here…Big bad LGF just drove you to the wilderness..
Who the fuck are they trying to fool? Charles is just so mean to extremest, Nazi’s, Wack jobs, violent posters ect. Oh and the best one was that’ I had to hide my love of God from Charles cause he would ban me..’ Please!
Cause Charles always bans lizards that love God…If maybe your idea of Love is to Nuke Muslims…Maybe you and God need to have a little chat..
/bye rant