
Tech Note: Let's Play Tag

Kragar9/01/2011 3:47:56 pm PDT

Daffy doesn’t seem to quite understand what happened:

“Even if you cannot hear my voice, continue the resistance,” Gaddafi said.

“We will not surrender. We are not women and we are going to keep on fighting,” the message said.

Gaddafi called on his supporters to set Libya alight, vowed that his backers would not give up, he said in the message.

“Let there be a long fight and let Libya be engulfed in flames.” He said the “balance of power is now leveled as all tribes are now armed”.

The pro-Gaddafi station carried written extracts from a message from the fallen leader, saying it would be broadcast later.

Al Jazeera’s Anita McNaught, reporting from Tripoli, said: “It is hard to see what it exactly is he [Gaddafi] thinks he can achieve unless Colonel Gaddafi doesn’t understand that it really is the end game being played out here now and that the rest of the country almost no longer cares about him anymore.”