
Malkin Links to 'Buzzworthy' Anti-Israel Rant at White Nationalist Website

dschlussel12/22/2009 3:29:46 pm PST

Sadly, this isn’t the first time Malkin has shown her anti-Semitic side. She linked to an equally vicious anti-Israel, and openly anti-Semitic VDare article back in October, and don’t forget her tirades against the AIPAC lobbyists, etc. When she linked to the VDare article in October, I e-mailed her and the cowardess didn’t respond (though she did react by removing me from her blogroll and banning me from commenting). This is what I wrote her then (and BTW, the “buzzworthy” items are not RSS, but articles she’s read and chooses to promote):

From: Debbie Schlussel
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 3:10 AM
To: ‘’; ‘’
Subject: MICHELLE, So Great that U Promote Anti-Semitic Article …

… on your buzzworthy sidebar.

I know you don’t really care about Muslim anti-Semitic death threats (thus, your friendship and support of Emily Zanotti and Sam Adams Alliance, which condoned Zanotti’s blog praise of Muslim death, rape and torture threats on my life and my family—after she’d been cyberstalking me and making up defamatory information against me). But linking to this horribly anti-Semitic, anti-Israel article is just sickening. Truly disgusting. Either you agree with this vile trash—which claims that Jews, among other things, are responsible for our immigration problems, that they are rich so they have special privileges like “pushing the Palestinians around,” and which mocks Israel’s right to defend itself against Iran—or you don’t read what recommend. Either way, shame on you. It would be one thing if this were the first time or a mistake, but you’ve established a history in this area—your ridiculous attacks on the two AIPAC employees against whom charges were dropped, and your praise for Israel/Jew-haters Darrell Issa, Henry Hyde, and Robert Novak.