
Ann Coulter and the Council of Conservative Citizens

SpringheelJack2/15/2009 5:12:07 pm PST

re: #340 NelsFree

I have reviewed almost all the posts in this thread. There is something “Mark Foley” about all this. I shall not question the veracity of the facts around this Ann Coulter situation. My concern is that we are tearing down another Conservative. Who will be left? Republican George Allen was hounded out of the campaign for ONE WORD. Who will the Republican Party offer in 2012 for President? While we work to purge our ranks of those who fail some overall valid test or standard, the Democrats (who appear to enjoy NO standards) continue to turn this Country to Socialism. Republican Mark Foley was forced to resign, but Democrat Gary Studds ADMITTED TO HAVING A HOMOSEXUAL AFFAIR WITH A PAGE AND WON RE-ELECTION. What will we do when we have destroyed all those who don’t meet our desired degree of perfection? Who will be left?
At a risk of a down-ding, I post!

I agree. If we demand too much purity, we will not be able to form a coalition big enough to get anything done