
And Now, Inevitably, the Return of the Son of Dan Quayle

371 9:13:54 pm PDT

re: #357 theheat

Expect mass suicides by Wal-Mart employees. And pretty much, anyone else selling any flavor of widgets.

I know it makes me an anti-American shitty person, but I like being able to buy $12 toasters and $30 microwaves.

I do too.
HOWEVER, the problem with that is that we are a society that simply disposes of anything that quits working and we buy new. We produce a heckuva a lot of trash, and that really bothers me for some reason.

We had a mower that needed to be repaired, and we could find only ONE mower repair shop in our area. ONE! You’d think this would be a great business. People just toss their old mowers, I guess, and get a new one.