
GOP Creationists Pass Anti-Evolution Bill in Tennessee

371 5:34:18 pm PDT

re: #309 CuriousLurker

You are honest, and like the rest of us, honestly and fairly trying to make sense of an awful and difficult situation for all concerned. Which is why we love you so!
re: #360 CuriousLurker

I understand that in my HEAD, Killgore, but it still hearts my HEART, y’know?

When I think about the Palestinians I realize that many of them were born after the last war in 1973. That means pretty much any Palestinian under the age of 40 knows nothing but whatever propaganda has been fed to them. Add to that that it can’t be fun living in Gaza or the West Bank (regardless of how many shopping malls they have), and it just depresses the hell out of me.

And of course, the things you mention here are part of what makes it such an awful and despicable situation, again, all the way around. The question: How to break the cycle? And what to do until that cycle is broken?