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Nyet8/17/2011 2:51:54 am PDT

Shiropayev published a long article about his trip to Israel:

Says that before that he corresponded at length with certain Rami Suris, co-chair of the far-right Israeli org “House of David”.

Suris is on facebook and his last post is a defense of Shiropayev and Lazarenko against the 10th channel charges:

What is displayed on the television show is a blatant lie. These people, representatives of “national democratic alliance” in Russia. “Alliance” was founded in 2010. This organization is a struggle against the legacy of empire and communism in Russia and also against illegal immigration of Muslim workers. “Alliance” requires separate Moslem republics of the Caucasus from Russia. .. The images are presented in the exhibition on the TV made in 2001 “when the leaders have not deal with politics and fumbled on” Church of Nawi “, the direction of religion ancient Indian and has no connection to Nazism. Edit the channel had to first contact the office of the” alliance “and request explanations. before showing on TV the lies.