
IBEW Investigates Trump's Union Claims

ObserverArt8/28/2016 10:23:02 am PDT

re: #364 makeitstop

I watched the Clinton speech, and as far as I can remember she didn’t actually call Trump a bigot. She did call out some of the people and organizations his campaign associates with four their bigotry. Which is a perfectly valid point to make.

But it’s a distinction without a difference to his supporters, who treat any form of criticism as a personal attack. And his surrogates consciously distort what was actually said knowing that they’ll be : accepted as gospel by the stupids who support their boss.

Since we are touching on “journalism” some in the media are happy to “report” she did call him a bigot and that she has lowered the race by giving that whole speech. Your whole last paragraph can be hung on the media that acts sometimes like another of his supporters…at least to the point of doing the balancing act of both sides do it.