
Post-Election Night Jam: Ghost-Note, "Thing of Gold"

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam11/07/2018 6:01:36 am PST

re: #366 freetoken

What very few pundits, especially the TV network talking heads, will discuss is the role that the move to a post-Christian society plays in politics.

That idea, if breached at all, is usually hidden under cover words like “values”.

A few months ago, when Pence was campaigning among evangelicals, he made part of his statement that the “nones” are not increasing.

That was a lie, of course, but Pence was dog-whistling about those darn non-Christians.

They are afraid to admit that Christianity, especially their hyper-judgmental, insular kind of religion, is losing market share. The USA is slowly going the way of Europe, where people view church and religion as more a cultural artifact than an entire belief/living system. Even my conservative family members, for the most part, do not attend church regularly, do not slavishly read the Bible, and only tip their hat to their nominal religion on major holidays. They’re past lukewarm and heading toward being room temperature believers. I assume this attitude is now pretty typical, which drives the real believers absolutely batty. No one pays attention to their pulpit-pounding.