
Stephen Colbert: The Norwegian Muslish Terrorist's Islam-esque Atrocity

Birth Control Works7/26/2011 10:47:49 pm PDT

re: #286 ggt

Slumbering Behemoth has answered my question;

They are afraid of losing control.

The Brave New World, we are living in exponential times.

Back to Slumbering Behemoth’s Pages Post. If you haven’t watched it, it will make your head spin. It did mine and I’ve been working hard to accept our the fact that our Brave New World is HERE AND NOW.

I think it is easy to see why so many people are putting their heads in the sand and screaming for the mythical days of yore.

It’s just damn hard to keep up. It’s as if we need social services to step in and provide programs for those who can’t accept this much change. Meds are needed—something.

I’m serious—it’s a problem that is only going to get worse.