
Huckabee on Hannity: The Stimulus Bill Persecutes Christians

zombie2/13/2009 7:26:38 pm PST

I have somehow gotten on the most bizarre and interesting spammy email list I’ve ever encountered.

Some guy in China claims to have disproven the Prime Number theory, and kicked Riemann’s metaphorical ass. Problem is, this guy is not affiliated with a university, and no math journal will publish his papers.

So what he does is mail them out en masse to anyone and everyone who might be vaguely interested, in the hope of catching some media attention. And the math in his papers is the real deal — he is a true mathematician. But his conclusion is so explosive (i.e. that there is no such thing as randomness) that it is rejected out-of-hand by the mathematics academia power structure.

So now, the poor guy send out these massive pdfs periodically, which boggle the mind.

I am not knowledgable enough assess if he’s right, but I have this nagging suspicion the guy is not a nutcase but is instead an overlooked genius.

Anyway, just checked my email, and got five more proofs from him!