
Jindal on Meet the Press

walter l. newton2/22/2009 10:51:11 am PST

re: #367 katemaclaren

I wish I had time to read all of these posts—boy, does no one sleep around here?
I don’t think there will be a Jindal/Palin ticket, Killgore. It’s too early. I’m hoping Romney or even Rudy still has a shot at it. However, I think we may be surprised —like, perhaps the Dems with a new candidate. I have a prediction for everyone, what do you think about this: Hillary C. will resign as Sec’y of State.

WHY would any conservative consider ANY of the above choices, considering that they ALL got pushed out once before.

It these folks were not capable of fight McCain, who the heck wants them in office? Not me.

I’m not for any of the two parties, but, if the GOP wants any chance for a shot at the next presidential election, they are going to have to reconstitute their platform and show us some new blood.