
Yet Another Climategate Investigation Exonerates CRU Scientists

Red Pencil4/18/2010 6:21:05 pm PDT

On JPFO, why don’t they just join the NRA:

I’ve met a few members, some Jews, some not. Some are or have been NRA members in the past, but have been turned off by the NRA’s focus on “sportsmen’s rights”. They feel that the NRA’s attempts to keep firearms legal by insisting (often improbably) that this or that weapon should be legal, not because of those little words “shall not be infringed” but because the weapon could be used for such things as game hunting, dilutes the true purpose of the 2nd amendment, which is to afford the people the ultimate power to protect the other amendments. “The 2nd amendment is NOT about duck hunting,” they have said, with some logic. And they felt that the JPFO presented their views on the true value of firearms more than the NRA did.

The above is written as an explanation of some members’ motivations, which I can sympathize with. It is NOT intended as a defense of the JPFO per se. Aside from “misstatements” like the one about 1938 Nazi Germany cited above they have really soured, perhaps poisoned their case with some literal black helicopter crap. (I’ve read a lot of their “literature”, it’s kind of sad they couldn’t resist the drama of mixing in the crazy and/or made up nutball junk with actual history. )