
Hilarious! Bad Lip Reading Does "The Force Awakens" (Featuring Mark Hamill as Han Solo)

Birth Control Works4/08/2017 7:29:29 am PDT

re: #372 Anymouse

I developed Dupuytren’s Contractures shortly after I started taking Phenobarbital for epilepsy when I was thrity-five (the normal onset of the disorder is seventy to eighty - as it turns out, Phenobarbital will trigger Dupuytren’s in those who are genetically inclined to develop it - people from Eastern and Northern Europe).

I’ve had four surgeries, and am now developing the problem in my feet (Lederhosen Disease). I did research to find out why I developed the disorder so young, and ran across several research papers from multiple countries linking Phenobarbital to Dupuytren’s.

I brought them to the attention of my neurologist and orthopaedic surgeon. They both got back with me and basically said “well, there’s no guarantee that stopping the Phenobarbital will stop the acceleration of the disorder, but it will re-start your uncontrolled seizures.”

Some choice there, and both would be “preëxisting conditions” if I were kicked out of the VA and forced back on the old insurance system pre-ACA.

That’s more than you ever wanted to know about my troubles though. (My ex-wife divorced me when I was diagnosed with epilepsy, citing that in court. She cited her religious faith - demon possession of her hub - really. Court sided with her and gave her everything and banned me from seeing my son, which made me homeless and sonless, but that’s a different story.)

So sorry, can you go back to court?