
Now Clinton Begs Iran to Unclench

Racer X2/03/2009 3:33:57 pm PST

re: #352 buzzsawmonkey

Iran has been at war with us for 30 years. They have kidnapped our embassy personnel and held them hostage, they have murdered our citizens and supplied aid and materiel to others who have murdered our citizens, they have financed terrorists, they have sent their own soldiers against our troops in Iran, they have attacked our allies on the high seas, they are threatening an ally of ours (Israel) in the Middle East, and their nuclear ambitions are menacing the Arab nations there with which we have nominally friendly relations.

Yet we continue to pretend that they are not at war with us, and insist that we are not at war with them. Why are we so stupid?

DT summed it up nicely:

re: #347 DistantThunder

In Battered Women’s Syndrome this is called “over-adaptation” trying to do everything to accommodate the batterer until the woman finally realizes - it’s not about what she is doing or not doing - it’s about the batterer’s very screwed up world-view and permission he gives himself to be violent.