
O'Keefegate Photographer Speaks

sattv4u22/05/2010 4:01:20 pm PST

re: #345 jamesfirecat

Then you would still be dead, and it would be a horrible thing, and Bill Ayers would have committed yet another crime in addition to the blowing up a/a part of a building crime he committed.

But Bill Ayers wouldn’t have ever intended to kill you.

That’s why it would be Constructive Manslaughter.

If he drove over somebody with his car while speeding through a red light would you argue with me that it was vehicular manslaughter?

It IS vehicular mansluaghter. You killed someone while driving at the time you were committing a non-felonious act (running a red light)

Ayers (et al) WERE committing a felony (blowing up a building).