
Neo-Confederate History Lessons for Kids

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines7/11/2010 7:48:30 pm PDT

re: #334 missy2432

I expect you to be history yourself before I can post this but I’ll give it a shot. I hope you stay a while, we haven’t had a troll this good since Dylan Avery showed up here back in ‘03.

Where would blacks be if they had remained in Africa?
In which country would they be living, fighting tribal warfare and starving?

They might have come here of their own free will as paid laborers, given the great need for such in the cotton kingdom.

Look at South Africa and Zimbabwe.
Africa, ‘the dark continent’. I wonder why.
Actually, they live much as they do in our inner cities.

Well, we have a much smarter president than they do.

Why is everyone else responsible for the plight of blacks, cannot they take care of themselves?

Quite a few do take care of themselves. In the form of doctors, soldiers, teachers and such, they also take care of you.

Whites have survived, why cannot the blacks do anything but breed?

Maybe I’m missing something, but survival and breeding would seem to be irrevocably connected.

Of course liberals would never agree, nor would they ever admit that whites/Europeans were slaves as well.

Of course they would: Dittoheads for example are slaves of the Limbaugh media machine.

Generations of people have fought against those that have enslaved them, only blacks need someone to do it for them.

Roman slaves didn’t have much luck freeing themselves by force, just ask Spartacus.

Check the history of Europe and Asia.

At the door you mean? No thanks.